Photo Walk Around Sapeken—Isolated Ancient Port in the Middle of the Java Sea


Sapeken--remote old port at the eastern end of the Kangean archipelago, north of Bali, Indonesia. 

As magic hour was coming on, we took a stroll circumventing Sapeken--only 1 kilometer across--to see the people who live on this remote but crowded island.  

As we started walking we saw the inevitable Indonesian small-scale entrepreneurs setting up in the late afternoon to sell Sapeken treats. 

This lady—preparing sticky rice Sapeken treats in plastic . . .

yells something to her daughter.  The young gal then follows us most of the way across the island.  Every Sapekan local is in an inquisitive mood seeing the rare foreigners in this isolated place.


Sapeken is mostly congested, but things open up a bit at the north end of the island where it's less crowded. 

Here there’s enough room for local gals to ride their bikes on open sand . . .

while other kids play a pick-up game of soccer, Sapeken style.

Young Sapeken gals wait as their father comes in from his boat.

Then we stumble on this old Sapeken native with a hand lathe making cigarette holders . . .  

from the bones of a dugong (a local manatee-like mammal).


We found that we were not the first foreigners to visit here in recent memory.  

Japanese anthropologists have researched here. But no one we meet remembers seeing Westerner foreigners here.


This leads us to trouble for our young intern.  A pregnant Sapeken lady claims that if she could grab his long foreign nose then her kid will not have a usual local flat nose.  So, Kenny vicelessly makes his contribution to the local DNA pool.

At one end of Sapeken island we find local Sapeken kids riotously jumping in the ocean . . . 

as a father brings his kids back from a short voyage. 

A couple local gals show that even in remote Sapeken there’s extraordinary modeling talent.

A couple kids look very serious before the camera until their sister mocks them & they bust out laughing.

Finally, the sun is setting over the Kangean islands, & the spectacle is so impressive that even the local Sapeken kids pause to admire the beauty of their remote little corner of the world.

Like to try your imaging skills in Indonesia?  Then click on our Java-Bali Photo Tour with Matt Brandon of  And be sure to get the full dose by signing up for the extension tour to Borobudur & Jogjakarta's artists through 25 Sept.  You'll take your portfolio beyond the next level--adding a breath of subject & sophistication to your art moving you way ahead of where you are. Then buy your spot here at the one-time-only introductory price!