Penang International Triathlon & Duathlon 2013


Penang, Malaysia is famous not only for being the food capital of Asia & the UNESCO World Heritage-preserved-site of one of the world’s last 19th century Chinese port towns.  Penang is also getting talked about for the growing number of mass public sports events held here—round-island cycle rides, an annual marathon & the Penang Triathlon.

This year’s Triathlon started in the north coast fishing town of Teluk Bahang.

Due to the crazy time zone warp that Malaysia sits in, the sun doesn’t rise here until about 7 AM, so the triathlon doesn’t begin until 7:30 AM

…with a blur of hundreds of participants rushing down the sandy beach into the sea.

You couldn’t walk across the water on the swimmers, but a skilled broad jumper could have almost hopped across as contestants stroke toward shore.

Men & women participants competed with each other racing from the water to the cycles.

Then it was finding one’s cycle . . .

hustling to put on shoes . . .

strapping on a helmet . . .

briskly trotting to the road alongside your cycle . . .

mounting the saddle . . .

starting to get traction . . .

grimly considering the cost of what you’re about to do . . .

gaining speed . . .

& then getting up to cruising speed, only to run into a ton of traffic! 

Unfortunately this year’s triathlon was scheduled & located in Teluk Bahang on the only day of the year when the town is already guaranteed a traffic jam—the Cheng Ming “All Souls” festival weekend.

So, cyclists had a frustrating time getting out of town & up to the golden cycling kilometers behind Teluk Bahang reservoir—perhaps one of the best cycling roads in Asia. 

Eventually they made it through the morass, and after a strenuous cycle over the mountain & back, came back for their final event

 . . . running the last several kilometers to the finish line while dodging traffic as apathetic travelers looked on.

The Penang Triathlon is an outstanding event in a stunning location.  Hopefully next year the planning committee will employ a bit more Malaysian local knowledge & not schedule the event on the least workable day in the whole year in Teluk Bahang, Penang.